Thursday, November 25, 2004

The pub crawl.

This morning I woke up with a temporary tattoo extolling the virtues of some Italian liquer, really bad breath and barely functional kidneys.

I drank twelve beers last night; twelve beers and a Jack and Coke. Oh, and the weird Italian liquer. All of that with my father. Some people say that their parents don't understand them, and that they can't talk to them. I say: take your parents out to like ten different bars and drink yourselves silly! It's good old-fashioned holiday fun!

The turkey hormones are working quite well; that, and I have been watching Lord of the Rings all damn day.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, from Kansas (Motto: We're Flat, but We Have All of That There Wheat) .



Anonymous said...

We're flat, but our wheat makes the dark buns phat.

Mmm, my Thanksgiving dumplings were awesome and when can you ever see Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving and The Grinch in one day... too much fun!

Sounds like all goes well Dom, good day to you and take care bud!

Anonymous said...

Killing time and back to the blogg. Dom, want me to FedEx you some of the frozen chinese pot stickers I had for Thanksgiving... too late already did. I just know people visiting your blogg are going to read my last post as serious and not sarcastic! haha. Urah, my life is so borring right now. Damn! But don't let me be a "Debbie Downer" Dom, hahaha. �SNL.