Sunday, September 12, 2004

Home is the sailor, / home from the sea

Yeah. I bloody wish there was sea out here. Some days I wake up and I've yet again left my window open again, and for a split moment I think that I smell it. Of course, that's just me, going quietly insane.

Today's been a great day. I woke up late and then I and my friend went hiking on a 2.2 mile trail in Brown County State Park, about 17 miles from Bloomington. Indiana is flat like a giant green mirror until you get south of Bloomington, where the hills that eventually become the Kentucky Smokies begin. It made me miss West Virginia and those endless childhood summers (and those loveable Thackers) a lot. Well, there I go, talking like I am in the home having someone give me a sponge bath. Anyway, I am quite sweat-covered and very pleasantly exhausted. 2.2 miles may sound like a joke, but the life of a grad student is lived the library, in your room studying, in class. A nap may be in order. It is, after all, Sunday.

I'm really pleased to see so many people have posted comments to my blog. It makes me feel incredibly fuzzy inside. Thanks, my people. *tearing up*

Monday, oh argh, Monday. Turkish class and work. Sigh. For those of you who don't know, I work at the Office of International Services at IU... and it's one of the busiest at the whole school. When I tell a fellow University employee where I work, he or she will grasp my forearm and look sad. They always say something like "Oh, I am so sorry" or "Oh my, you are so brave." I love it, but let me tell you: Orientation Week as the only Front Desk person was, to put it mildly, like having postage-stamp size pieces of skin scraped off by sea-lampreys.

My bed, she is calling.

Hosca kalin,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Dom!!!!!
Hey this is your favorite Auntie once again. Loved talking to you this morning. Hope your breakfast was good! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll consider the PA thing. I would LOVE TO SEE YOU!!!! Hope to catch you on again soon. LOVE YOU!