Sunday, September 12, 2004


I laid down for a nap fully intending to wake up in about an hour. That was four hours ago. It's going to be a good time not sleeping tonight. I'll love it, I tell you, love it.

I entreat each one of you out there in Readerland: take $15 and go out to your local music selling-type establishment and buy the CD Flutterby by Butterfly Boucher. Never heard of her? Me neither, until she opened up for the Sarah McLachlan concert I went to last month. She is amazing. It's "Bow-cherr", by the way, not the French "Boo-shay." She says she isn't that fancy. She's British, which makes this even more fun. So, go forth, minions!

You're still here.

This Spring Break, my friend and I are trying to go to see another of our friends who is doing his Ph.D in Aberdeen, Scotland. Yes, Scotland. Don't go all Braveheart on me. I am not sure where Aberdeen is located, but it'll most likely be a flight from Indy to Chicago, and from thence to Edinburgh via London. I will need to renew my passport, which is currently very expired. That makes me uneasy: I guess I have it in my head that someone is going to offer me a trip somewhere hopelessly exotic and I won't be able to go. If I have to turn down a trip to Namibia because of my passport inadequacies, I will chew a revolver.

Here's me, dreaming of lochs and lonely, brooding fortresses and mountains men fought and died for. OK, there's the Braveheart reference.

All the best to my people,


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