Thursday, September 16, 2004 the crapper?

Today, whilst preparing (read: frantically digging, clutching at straws, invoking deities I don't even have alliance with, etc.) for my French exam, I retired to one of the restrooms in Sycamore Hall to answer a call of nature.

Written in the stall in what appears to have been a black Sharpie, a stark bit of graffiti.

"America is Americans. Washington, DC is not for Americans, for it is Jewish."

What the $*@#? I thought crap like this was only part-and-parcel for Martinsville (for all of you who have never been to IN, "Martintucky" is a small town about 21 miles from The Republic of Bloomington. Martinsville is famous for spawning Nascar drivers and had, up until a year and a half or so ago, one of the nation's largest gatherings of Klan members).

*Note* I am in no way correlating Nascar with the Klan. It's just something to chew on.

Two hours to go. I feel like I am about to be sacrificed to an Aztec god upon a gore-strewn altar rimmed with still-warm human skulls.

*uneasy gurgle in belly audible*

Off to meet my maker!


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