Saturday, December 22, 2007

Eleven pipers piping and twelve drummers drumming.

I just don't have the strength for this anymore as, oh wait, I'm writing this two days from Easter Sunday (today is Good Friday) and shame at my own inadequacies fills me with a special, lingering guilt that can really only be enhanced by the cadaverous memories of a Catholic upbringing. The sensation is rather like being piped full of ditch-water, old ashtray leavings and cold, step-on-some-gick-at-7 AM-barefoot cat hurl.

Domonic (wavingthewhiteflag) Potorti

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, come now. You lived with music majors and marching bandies and give in on pipers piping and drummers drumming?? I will stand by and hope it is continued in oh, say, 6 months or so. :)