Friday, November 17, 2006 both ends...

Little-known fact: Edna St. Vincent Millay is a Rockland, Maine, native.

I still live, but in what misshapen, soulless form? Every moment of every day has been corrupted by thoughts of my thes*s and my impending academic demise.

Wake up to wretched Stevie Wonder "song" on clock-radio alarm: think about thes*s.
Barely-woken urination: think about thes*s.
Drive forty miles to work behind tractor trailer and Asian woman with parking brake on and right blinker flashing: think about thes*s.
Work all day: think about thes*s.
Drive home behind man with car that is rolling on four spares: think about thes*s.
Eat ghastly dinner: think about thes*s.
Attempt to corral unruly, neurotic pets: think about thes*s.
Writing thes*s: think about thes*s.
Pass out from exhaustion: think about thes*s.

It's been a good time - and, to answer, no, it's not done. Don't ask.

In the interim, please browse my 300+ entries, which are archived by month on the side here.

For those who have been faithfully following for the past two years, post a response and tell me what your favorite blog was. I will remove the hyperbole varnish and tell you the REAL story behind it if there is one. I say this because I always endeavor to speak only the truth.


Until later, I remain,

Domonic (prettymuchprayingtobeimmolatedbyathunderbolt) Potorti


Anonymous said...

So I don't really know you, but I was just wondering if you had finished your thesis yet?

Anonymous said...

there are so, so very many to choose from... ok, I'll be narcissistic. I love the "hot tea" story because it makes me laugh every single time I think of it! high as a kite off of chow bar tea... good times man...