Wednesday, August 23, 2006


In the past, I have been...accused?...of fabricating the truth. For those of you who do not believe that I was served and did, verily, consume fried chilipepper insects, I wish you piles so large that sitting provides you the sensation that you are squatting on a large, warm grapefruit.

Cousin Mary's hands, attractively displaying the Tupperware container of edible locusts (chapulines):

And me, taking the "Will the whitey eat bugs?" challenge. For the record, both I AND Mary consumed said treat, though I continued to do so after the initial taste.

Huajuapan, a largish Oaxacan city near the border with the state of Puebla. Not only are bugs on the menu, but they set fire to Jesi there. More on that later.

Abuelita's house. Yes, it really is that color. The courtyard usually is just that, but come celebration time, they break out the tarp and set up tables for merriment. Many of her children and grandchildren can be seen here. She is fourth from the left at the table in the foreground.


Anonymous said...

I NEVER doubt you. *giggles*

I think my band is going to call itself "The Flying Jesii".

Also, I thought the title of this blog was "Poof" not "Proof" when I first saw it. *shrugs*

Anonymous said...

What a list of edible treats you have devoured...raw tuna, squid, goats and now bugs! This is why we oh-so-approprietly dubbed you "The Carnivore"