Friday, July 28, 2006

That's just how I roll.

My few and potentially devoted,

I have corporeally returned from Our Neighbor to the South and have begun the arduous task of trying to remember sequences of events, various indigenous place names with startlingly few vowels and dozens of people who, while endearing themselves to me, led me, my uncle Steve and my darling cousin Mary through a land of charm and omnipresent black hair.

As a teaser, ask yourself these fine questions:

Did Domonic, at any point in his trip, dramatically supplicate to the Infant Jesus for His divine intervention?

Did Domonic get served food that made him pray for the ability to never eat again?

Did Domonic, as was portented, contract Montezuma's Revenge?

Did Domonic, in conjunction with the above, drink the damn water?

Until later, I remain,

Domonic (unabletoadequatelylearnNahuatlorZapotecintime) Potorti


Anonymous said...

Maybe he did drink the water and is otherwise indisposed :)

Anonymous said...

la pelusa de Domonic una pequeña señora mexicana dulce?

Anonymous said...

Domonic funcionó alrededor de desnudo con las ruinas mexicanas?

Anonymous said...

i weep with anticipation!