Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Je me souviens, my ass.

This blog comes courtesy of the Delta Centre-ville in

MONTREAL, CANADA. My first international blog!

wherein I have ensconsed myself for the 58th Annual NAFSA Conference. More to come later, but imagine, if you will, 8,000 international educators descending upon an area of no more than three square miles. 8,000 ANGLOPHONE international educators.

I have:

1) Eaten poutine. Twice.
2) Gone to Chinatown. Twice.
3) Moved my bowels. Twice.

Trips always do that!

Until my glorious reentry to my native land, I remain,



Mitch said...

Happened on your blog through a link, thought I'd leave a note.
I like the vexed poet amibance, amusing and thought provoking. I'll try to stop by occasionally and add something witty to the banter, but no promises.

Garghoulee said...

"Poutine"...isn't that French for "gravy potato crap"?