Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The clingy transparent plastic-wrap of incessant despair.

A few days ago I found myself in my office mouse-clicking my way through the production of a non-immigrant certificate of eligibility when, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something flying about my person. Thinking that it was a putrid, disease-ridden be-winged arthropod that had been tricked into leaping forth from its vile chrysalis by a few days of 50+ degree weather, I gathered my wits about me and prepared to hunt it down and ruthlessly exterminate it with the grim efficiency of a Latin American death squad. As it wheeled through the air and began to careen towards my face, I did two things:

1) Uttered a small, rather high-pitched shriek which, if there is a sweet infant Jesus, was not heard by any of my coworkers or the random Asians collected in the front lobby awaiting their aforementioned non-immigrant certificates of eligibility.

2) Noticed that it was not, indeed, an insect bent on inserting its hellish probiscus under my eyelid to drink of my brine but was a smallish ball of dust which appears to have pressed itself into a spheroid (for better aerodynamics?).

Clearly this could have been only one thing: a collection of dust, hair and - presumably - dead skin cells had been collected by my gravitational pull and had formed into what I can only describe as my very own moon. As I began to amuse myself in my attempts to name my moon - this, from someone who named a cat Balthazar Anatole Romulus - I was poleaxed by a paralyzing thought: only really, really big things have moons. I looked down over my coffee-dribbled work shirt to my "are you in a family way?" belly and sighed. Goddamnit.

I'd noticed that in the past few months that I'd been filling out a little more, but I'd initally ascribed it to me actually having, oh, I dunno, the money to purchase sustenance again. In the months after He Who Hopefully Has A Chancre left, I had begun a regimen of habitually stealing ketchup packets from the McDonalds after making a pitiful purchase, like the Vagrant Special (a lukewarm hamburger patty that is too deformed to sell to the general public, wrapped up) and eating them as a meal. In the dark. After I ascended to my position, though, I began getting - *gasp* - regular paychecks. This meant that I could scuttle over to the Dirtbaby Kroger to purchase pasta that wasn't replete with Shrimp-flavored seasoning packets or procure an already-prepared meal at a fecking restaurant when the mood set me right. And with the checks lining my bank account came a greater sense of comfort and contentment from a number of other sources - friends, family, my work and, of course, cüceyim.

In the meantime, though, I'd begun to notice that my underwear had begun to cut off my circulation if I sat in awkward positions. Shirts I used to swim in now would eject buttons at seventy miles an hour off my chest if I sneezed. And perhaps most telling, a Norwegian internation student with an unnatural gleam in his freakishly Aryan eyes had brought a flensing implement from the 'old country' into the office, asking if he could meet "the big, white one" for an appointment. Ostensibly, this "appointment" was to be about off-campus work authorization, but I became convinced that within two hours the high stench of my rendered blubber would carry out over the lubeless sodomy of Gomorrah Avenue. I began to cast my eyes over my shoulders as I walked from my car to Franklin Hall, firmly convinced that I would behold a rusty Japanese trawler leveling a grenade-tipped spear at the tender area behind my blowhole.

So, as I sat in my office, watching my very own moon circuit around my porcine form, I weighed (*ahem*...) my options. After deliberation - and a guiltily-consumed HoHo - I determined that there are, essentially, three of them.

1) Ritualized starvation: I would only allow myself to consume iceberg lettuce, vegetable broth and white rice. If I managed to live through the experience without "accidentally" allowing my hand to enter the garbage disposal, I'd have skin hanging like freshly-laundered linens from my skeleton. Hot, no?

2) Some fecked-up diet that actually kills you. You know what? I'm sorry, but putting a pound of pepperoni on a plate and covering that with shredded cheese and microwaving it - that's not a snack. That's angioplasty cleverly disguised as food. Nor does the idea of gnawing the flesh off a cold rotisserie chicken like a wild animal sound viable. I have to give the Atkins diet credit where credit is due: it makes cannibalism sound appetizing.

3) Eating sensibly. Duh.

As I stood in the freezer section at the Meijer attempting to select healthy frozen meals for work (thus killing two birds with one stone: saving me money AND making me want to die really, really hard), I was overwhelmed by the selection of entrees. Would I select Country Roasted Turkey in Aspic? Wild Salmon Surprise? Chicken and Rice Plate? Oh, um, those are cat foods.
Instead I became drawn to the "Flavor Adventures" Healthy Choice entrees because Flavor Adventure sounded like a 1980s Marlboro campaign ("Light One Up for a Flavor Adventure"). So far I've had two: Beef Merlot and Chicken in Garlic Parmesan Sauce. I can honestly say that they weren't that bad - but this comes from a man who picks the tentacles out of the calamari first so he can feel the little sucker-cups slide down his throat just so.

So, we'll see how it goes. My bathroom scale is broken - no doubt having committed suicide rather than service the rorqual in residence at 402 North Peterman - but my goal is to not have to

oh - it can't be!





Garghoulee said...

We all put on a few pounds as we age. Maybe if the Donner party had done some carbo-loading before their trip things would have turned out differently. Think of it as having more of you to love! (And smile to yourself knowing that hyenas and other predators pick out the thin, wispy ones from the herd...you're safe!)

Anonymous said...

I think you should join a gym and take NINJA classes...... you would get to wear the cool getup and protect the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Just think of it my way -
fat people are harder to kidnap!