Thursday, December 15, 2005

Look what your God has done to me.

De profundis clamo ad te, anyonewhoisreadingthis.

My inability to 'blog as of late stems from, as you might imagine, the close of the semester at Indiana University. Students in various states of duress beg me for documents with eyes brimming with brine, exoskeleton-bearing beasts in repose in their unkempt and unwashed hair and the stench of desperation radiating from their pores so strongly that it is visible to the naked eye.

I go my country tomorrow!

Sign my I-20 so kikry! (read that last word out loud)

My plane leave Indianapolis in two hour!

Do I need new vizha?

I, as a foreign student advisor, have very literal power over their immigration destinies. Come to think of it, power tastes rather like pork. Well, this presumes that I have been tasting anything other than my own crimson gore as I bite my inner lip to keep from screaming. This is tempered with the fiery warmth of the scotch and whisky holding court in my hip-flask.

Once this week comes to its nuclear crescendo, I will be able to 'blog again. In the meantime, I urge you to take pity on a husky, furry Italian boy and send me some of your charitable thoughts, for I have none left. The life of some random international student may depend on it.

I remain, as ever,



Anonymous said...

I always thought it was "de profundis clamavi ad te", but I'll take any Latin I can get.

For you Godless heathens out there, it means "From the depths I cry out to you."

Hang in there O Dom! It'll get better soon.


Anonymous said...

Our thoughts are with you, Oh Great and Powerful Blogman!

"Noli nothis permittere te terere"

(Very useful in Ohio when Michigan wins.)
