Tuesday, November 08, 2005


This here 'blog comes courtesy of the Hyatt Regency Louisville, in which I have become ensconsed for the Region VI NAFSA conference. I can't linger long for three good reasons:

1) Two people with torches and and one with a ballpeen hammer are waiting "patiently" to also check their pathetic email.

2) The conference itself begins soon; such delightful topics as "Why do students never read their email? Why why whywhywhy?" will be taken to docket.

3) My dinner from last night is waiting, also "patiently", for release.

Until Wednesday, I remain,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I attended an "international festival" in Columbus, OH this weekend and thought to myself, "Dom should be here". Then I saw the booth representing Turkey, with its food items for sale alongside maps and travel guides to Turkey, and I thought "Dom IS here - in spirit."