Friday, April 29, 2005

The fat reeking ugly skull of death.

If you're wondering, as I imagine you might be, "Where the eff is Domonic?" Yeah. Like you care. >:) But if you do, know this: it's finals week, and I am swimming in the rapidly decomposing offal of this semester's misdeeds. My mascot during this, and every finals week, is the Fat Reeking Ugly Skull of Death, a picture of whom I will be posting soon. But yea, verily, I live still, and once Friday of next week comes, I shall once again become the blogging mo'fo you all love to mock.

In the meantime, you all could perform a mitzvah for me: go to your local stockyard and purchase a randomly selected beast, which you will then cause to shuffle off this mortal coil. Take the rapidly cooling blood and, with your fingers, write an "A+" on the loins of a virgin.

Or, you could just keep me in your thoughts for a few days as I prepare for the inevitability of hearing my academic death-knell.

Soon, my children, soon.

[shrieking from the corn]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

better than that I will go to Emmerson Biggins tonight and swallow a few of those $4.95 34 oz margaritas tonight as I salute you!

Good luck from the land of effing OZ!