Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Peanut-butter balls of doom.

This morning I awoke to a strange sound; for a drowsy, Benadryl-drugged moment I thought I'd lost my sensibilities completely. The sound was thunder. To confirm that I hadn't developed a grapefruit-sized brain abscess, the drumming of bathwater-warm rain began in earnest. I got up, turned off my alarm ten minutes before it went off, and began to wonder how in the hell a thunderstorm happens in January in the Midwest. It is, at nearly midnight, more than sixty degrees outside.

It's the end of days.

Grass is green. Insects have begun to emerge from their vile chrysalises. And you just know that somewhere on this campus, {social} sorority girls are getting together for emergency bikini-waxing sessions. "Like, Jeezum Crow! If I get caught all fuzzy at the big DEKE hot-dog and lite beer orgyfest, I'll just die!"

Brooke (esteemed co-founder of Phi Delta Gamma) brought two objects to the office today. One was her wedding album, which, despite the fact that I've seen many of the prototype pictures, nevertheless makes me well up like a kid who's been left by his "loving parents" at fat-camp. The second was a tin. Inside this tin were dozens of peanut-butter balls, lovingly dipped in chocolate.

Obviously, Brooke hates me.

I eat one, and as I feel the flesh of my mortal body slough off to reveal my innermost and most wanton desires' fulfillment, I know that, deep inside, I can not--nay! will not!--rest until I have eaten as many of these delights as possible.

The little voice within tells me to share, like a good boy. The part of me that knows I should never try crack because I'll like it too much told me to get off my ass and into the breakroom, lest one of those sacred orbs slip into some other person's gullet. I would be at the Front Desk, helping the needy and international, when from the breakroom I'd hear my name spoken, softly and gently, like a warm summer zephyr. It was too much. I thought the tea was bad news.

Ok, OK, bitches! I ate six of them! Sue me!

Oh, and I can already tell that my French class [if this is at all possible!] will be more awful than last semester. The professor... oh, it makes my nonexistent womb ache and the gorge rise in my throat. Nothing should be worth this much unless you get saluted for it.

Well, I am about to pass out. See you tomorrow, Bloomington.



Anonymous said...

With all the "natural disaster" movies they have now a days... my friends thought they should make a comedy like... "Cloudy with a chance of Spinkles" ...where everyone is panicing and frantically scrambling for their lives.

Well, can't blame you about the Peanut-Butter Balls... those things are damn good!!! I know you had 7, haha... don't deny it!

Playing "Cranium," over break... there was a question about who was the first to harvest peanuts and invent the peanut-butter sandwich? Instantly I was like, George Washington Carver of course! ...everyone was like, what the hell? How did you know that? I was like... I thought everyone knew that! I learned it in school... they just were like, ...what the hell kind of school did you go to!?


Anonymous said...

Again, I ask--
What Bangor High graduate is now employed at BIA?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dom

The dark-haired maiden in the back row who hung on your every word during your talk... yeah, today she told me she thought you were cool and kinda cute :)

Just thought I'd pass it on :)

Anonymous said...

woooooooooo hooooooooooooo!! Might I suggest that you wait outside the school with a bag of lollipops for the dark haired beauty? Keep practicing your French and you will be sure to woo her into submission.

In the imortal words of larry the cable guy "get-er-done!"