It's an old story. A bearded man finds love, a career, owls and fifteen hundred books in a part of the country he'd previously never anticipated even visiting. He learns to stop apologizing for his very pointed interest in the darkest aspects of life and comes to terms with his spirituality, which could be classified as "probably voodoo." He shares his home with a homonculus, an ocelot and a semi-feral catling and regularly interacts with federally protected birds.You know, that tired hat.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Little Sammy went out to play in his yard. Little did he know that death would come from the trees. Squirrel turds aren't all made of nuts, you know. Like furry velociraptors, they are.
ummmmmmmm Mr. Bill was a Saturday Night Live character made of Playdoh that was tragically killed at the end of each show..... like Kenny from SouthPark
is that squirrel eating Mr. Bill?
Uh...who's Mr. Bill? And no, that's Sammy. Sammy was a bad boy and his retribution was to pass through the digestive system of a small rodent.
ummmmmmmm Mr. Bill was a Saturday Night Live character made of Playdoh that was tragically killed at the end of each show..... like Kenny from SouthPark
Ohhhhhh Nooooo, it is mr. Slugo
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