Sunday, November 21, 2004

And then, more corn.

Last night, for the first time since I moved from the pitch-fragrant forests of Northeastern Maine, I watched a movie that I never gave much thought to until now:


I mean, for the love of God, what the hell? As if living in so much corn wasn't strange enough for me, now I have to be thinking about the likelihood that I will be savaged by greyish freaks from space. I thought I had to worry about that enough with the whole Allagash Five thing; those aliens, though, were just looking for a good piece of human ass, but these crop circle ones want to harvest us for God knows what. I, for one, don't relish the thought of being turned into man-jerky. Mmm...jerky. But I'm more careful with my jerky consumption now, as once when I bit into a Slim Jim, I encountered something that resembled a bone fragment covered in hair. That didn't stop me from finishing it, though: waste not, want not. I called it the "Jimmy Hoffa" Slim Jim, as there can be no other explanation than that it was a mafia informant I'd consumed. Strangely, that's a more comforting explanation than what it probably was: some unfortunate rodent who fell into the flesh-grinder. Mafia informants deserve to become low-quality meat snacks; how many of my relatives now languish in prison because of them?

Bloomington's a weird place. Today whilst driving to breakfast (Cracker Barrel), I saw a pickup truck that had a big bearded flannel-wearing guy smoking a Marlboro Red (as evidenced by the four empty packs on the dash); he had two bumper-stickers and two slap ribbons on said vehicle. The slap ribbons were "Don't Mess with the U.S." and one pink one for breast cancer awareness; the stickers were "Rednecks for Peace" and "Free Tibet." I saw another one today that looked like rolling plains; the rolling plains were the American flag, of course, and the little saying above said "Heartland at Heart." What the hell is that supposed to mean? Should I fashion one that has a lumberjack, a lobster, and a rusted-out pickup on cinder-blocks that says "North Woods at Heart"?

Thanksgiving quickly approaches. Of course, in the world of commercialism, it's already Def-Con Five for Christmas; Target already has dozens of pre-trimmed Christmas trees in a startling variety of colors on display, and at the mall, Santa now holds court in a cotton-batting Wonderland filled with animatronic deer and elves and squirrels and penguins. It can only mean one thing for me: it's time to start carrying my hip-flask full of whiskey again. Every year, I feel less and less festive when the holidays come around. In about five years, it's going to take me going on a Holiday Bender to even be able to stand a minute of it. Maybe I will just make good on my threat to move to Turkey, where the best holiday is Şeker Bayramı, or Eid, the day after Ramazan (Ramadan) gets over; you eat until you pass out, having fasted for a month. Plus, you give kids candy. So it's Thanksgiving AND Halloween, but I will be you dollars to donkeys that there isn't a media blitz lasting a month and a half extolling the virtues of battery-driven plastic delights and parades with giant fabric helium-filled cartoon characters. Maybe I am wrong: Turks, care to comment? Hmm. Do any of my Turks have the link to this thing?


It's 6 PM on a lazy Sunday. Holding court in my belly is some chicken-fried chicken and grits; how does that happen? One of the high points of my day was chatting with my buddy Gai online for like three hours. We talked about many things; among them, how I am to be avoided at all costs. Behold.

Gai : yeah, I can see that... Yeah! stay away from that guy!
domtheturk: he's badass!
domtheturk: *snort*
Gai : don't mess with his fire
domtheturk: that's right bee-otch!
Gai : um hmmm snap snap snap

Fan-effing-tastic. Word to you, my Virginia-livin' mofo.

Good night, Bloomington.



Anonymous said...

Oh man, signs is the most pethetic movie ever... it's about these aliens who try to take over earth, which is what... 90% water or something? I don't know who is more dumb... the humans who hide in the cellar the WHOLE movie or the aliens who try to take over a planet that has the most of the one thing that can kill them... WATER. It's just reminded me too much of the Wizard of Oz and the wicked witch... ahhh, water... I'm melting! And the whole trying to be "deep" with the baseball player who never made it to the pros... "Swing batter-batter, swing!" I'm so vindicated I didn't make it to the pros, but I can still kill aliens with my bat! That movie was quite the comedy!!!

I guess it is somewhat normal to see Rednecks on the way to "Cracker" Barrel... my brother just moved and his neighbor had a "I love my redneck wife" bumper sticker next to a war sticker that said "kill them and fuck their women" ah, his wife must think... true love at last!!!

When I was a kid and had stopped believing in Santa... unbeknowns to my Uncle... he sent me a special delivery Santa. It was awkward being a new-time disbeliever... I have a picture somewhere and my facial expression is like "WTF" he was the worst Santa ever and didn't talk or anything and looked moody and tired. It was like something was wrong with him. Looking back he had to have been on some type of drugs... he had red-eye and they were all puffy and an abnormally red nose. It is all confirmed looking at that picture of him and I and my mom agreeing he was an odd one. I think the worst thing though was I remember thinking, well the presant has to be great if my Uncle went through all this trouble... it was a box of Christmas Captain Crunch Cereal. Man, maybe that's why my face looked like "WTF" in the picture!!! Anyways, looking back... Thanks Uncle Jon, it's the thought that counts!

Don't mess with Dom's fucking fire people!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes a la turkish. I did not mean to be an "enabler" by bringing you so close to the tempting tea.