Thursday, October 21, 2004

OK, so I used to be young and cute, apparently.  Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

How cute! :)

Anonymous said...

still looks like a DWEEB even at that early age......

Anonymous said...

Ah, my charming one, you have always been easy on the eyes. Do not kid yourself! These eyes are clear! They have been washed by a thousand blessed tears brought forth by your moving blog entries. I mean, "moving", as in you're my favorite ab workout. With whom else can I get in my 20 minutes of anaerobic exercise a day from laughing & writhing about on the carpet? Thank the sweet lord I am in possession of carpeting. Sometimes nice things happen to Bangorites ;^)

Domonic M.A. Potorti said...

Whomever posted this: you totally made my day. Thanks so damn much. :)