Thursday, September 30, 2004

There's a clown under my bed.

Today, while at a meeting to discuss the issues facing the "support staff", which I, as a graduate assistant am currently, I found myself teetering on the brink of manic laughter. I don't know why, but for a brief moment I remembered a "fun" kid's song that I used to sing whilst be-uniformed on the asphalt "playground" of the Knights of Columbus parking lot, filled as it was with cigarette butts and broken glass. To the tune of "Alouette":

Suffocation takes coordination!
Suffocation! A game we all can play!
First, you take a plastic bag
Then, you put it on your head
Go to bed
Wake up dead

We'd sing this until one of the supervising "mothers" would come and beat us with a croquet mallet. Hahahaha, no, that's not true. It was a monkey-wrench soaked in horse urine. Thanks be that it wasn't a nun: they'd beat us unconscious, wake us up with smelling-salts and take us to confession, where we would be spiritually cleansed of our misdeeds and made to do our "penance", which often involved being fettered sin agua y sin cumida in a room beyond the dank passageway between the school and the church. The room always smelled vaguely of stale urine, skunked beer and tears; apparently, the local Alcoholics Anonymous met there weekly.

Truth be told, I can't remember much that was strange about having gone to Catholic school; this, surely, is because I have nothing to compare it to, since the first time I encountered the plebe was my first day of high school. As a "St.Mary's fairy" dressed in sweatpants and ill-fitting shoes, you can be sure that I spent many an afternoon enjoying the delights of wet-willies, toilet swirlies and the rapture of being randomly jumped by hoods with chains and piercings whilst walking that long mile home. Of course, that's because I haven't always looked the way I do now (ie, like a flannel-wearing Middle Eastern-cum-Mediterranean lumberjack). As a small bird-child, I was often the victim of overly-hormoned pubescent mutants, whose lack of mental faculties were more than made up for by their propensity to stomp people. My first year of high school I spent flitting in-beween "safe", well-lit classrooms trying desperately to avoid being noticed at all. I failed. I failed a lot. Being picked to answer something in class was always my death-sentence; punishment, apparently, for having previously gotten a very sound education. Two summers ago I went back to Hackettstown (home of M&M Mars, the only such plant in the Northern Hemisphere) with my best friend-turned Marine, Mary. In a bar that used to be a very old, beautiful hotel lobby, I met one of my tormentors.

Tormentor: Oh my God, it's you, isn't it?
Me: Yes. *bristles menacingly*
Tormentor: Wait a minute. How did I know you? Were you in my history class?
Me: No.
Tormentor: Math?
Me: Try again.
Tormentor: I give up. Damn, that was a long time ago.
Me: Let me set the scene for you. It's a Thursday afternoon, and I am taking the shortcut home because I'm not feeling well. Ordinarily, I would take the main roads out of abject fear. You and two of your chummies were waiting in a bush. The three of you step out of the bush, and I pretend that I haven't just soiled my undergarments. I try to get to the other side of the road but your friend lopes over and blocks me. You demand that I give you money for smokes, and I say that I don't have any. When I regained consciousness, you were just about to extinguish a Marlboro under my armpit.
Tormentor: Oh.
Me: Yes.
Tormentor: Dude, I am so sorry. God! What an ass I was then! I was so young and stupid!
Me: Here's $4.
Tormentor: What for?
Me: The smokes.
Tormentor: <muffled choking sound as he swallows the teeth I punched down his ugly cake-hole>

The night in jail did me some good. I learned how to crochet from a 6'7", 350lb man named Muffy who lost his man-parts in an unfortunate encounter with someone he called "The Armadillo." I guess I will never drink Wild Turkey straight out of the bottle again.

One of the things I do miss, however, is my class. There were only twenty of us, strong together as a family through the beatings and the endless weeping. Some days I will be walking down a street here in the corn and I will turn around and think, just for a moment, that I had seen one of them. I smile for a moment.

Then I think: What they be doin' on my turf? Man, I'll cut'choo. Cut'choo real bad.

Well, I have about three hours of work to do, and yay, it's 10 PM. As a matter of disclaimer, no, I was never touched in grade school, by nuns or otherwise. Leave that to public schools, eh?

Also: my bed currently rests, sans frame, on my floor in what I call "college ghetto dorm chic." So there aren't any clowns under there.

They live in my closet.

Good night.

Dom (Demir)

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