Friday, September 10, 2004

It's 10:45 and...well, hey, I don't have kids.

The time has come, sayeth I, to publicly humiliate myself more than I usually do. So, here it is. My own little piece of cyberspace. Oh *God* I am getting misty.

Anyway, it's Friday night and I'm listening to my roommate and his buddy commenting loudly about the Miami vs. Florida State game. I wish I could bring myself to care a lick about sports, but as most of you who know me well are aware, I would rather have my bowels torn out by weasels than watch most sports. That's probably why I never got a date till I was 21. Hahaha, I am kidding. Maybe.

This week did not end soon enough. It's the second week of classes and I thought, Hey: won't the second week of classes be easier than the first? Sinister crack of thunder on that one. I'm taking not one, not two, but three languages (Turkish, Ottoman Turkish and French) and another class as well. So this is what it feels like to be sodomized by draft horses. To make things more fun, I've recently decided that I am going to shoot for my Ph.D... good times.

This weekend I am going to be spending lots of time with my buddy up in Indianapolis--Oktoberfest, here I come!--and that should be just what the witch doctor ordered.

The game is over. Someone won. Me, I am listening to Enya and getting ready to settle down with a book about the Athenian Acropolis and how it impacts modern Greek's feelings of national identity. Ok, so I am a mutant.

Kendine cok iyi bak, arkadaslar, ve gorusmek uzere.

Dom (Demir)


Anonymous said... acting miserably, but wanted to post a greeting. Yay, the Acropolis... magistra mj

Anonymous said...

Hey Dom,
Here's an anonymous comment from your favorite Auntie in W.V.!! (Just a LITTLE HINT HUH?!) What's this "Life in the Corn" thing? Hey, you've never been in the corn like I have. You're really missing out Kiddo!! One other thing - I'm very disappointed that you mention me in your little Profile Page! Talk about being all teared up!! I'll look for my name in an update. Just want to let you know I love you anyhow. Take care kid. Hope to catch you soon! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Anonymous said...

OOOOPPPPSSS! Forgot the word "didn't" in my last comment! You DIDN'T mention me - Please correct this ASAP!!!!

Anonymous said...

When the hurlyburly ’s done,/When the battle ’s lost and won...

Anonymous said...

My beloved octopi,
Greetings from the land of liberal, linen-clad lesbian parents (as well as their feral cats and, well, rather rat-like small dogs).

Get thee to an olive vendor, rent thee Autumn in New York, and purge thyself of thy roommate's evil influences.

Or, you could buy some corn nuts, rent a copy of "the passion" and retreat into a hell of your own making.